Warning! Major autism zone.
riddla banna questions riddla talk


I'm Mikey!


I am a history major following through on a certificate in public history. Not a coding major, IT-tech whiz. I am a fraud, a phoney, and a dirty, dirty boy..

Despite this, I am living my best life. I have written enough AO3 fanfiction to understand what an emphasis is, and I hope that remark emphasizes how underqualified I am to make this website.


.. Simple answer is The Riddler. I am an adult on the internet in a time of TikTok and Twitter (X?) takeovers. I am drinking a nice, cold glass of pink lemonade as I contemplate how much HTML coding is going to benefit the career of an analog archivist.

No ways of contacting me other than however NeoCities operates.. but for you, my friend, I link to you a carrd where you may find my Twitter and Tumblr. Always commission a poor college student bumbling between full-time school and part-time work.

questions pointy

What I enjoy!

Mostly, Batman..

I like: Batman: The Animated Series, Catwoman (as a concept), Batman Beyond, Justice League Action, Batman the Brave and the Bold , Ted Lasso (2020), public history, History: North America circa 1600-1900, France circa 600 - 1800, colonization + reparation, Mad Rat Dead, Total Drama (all of them), FNAF, DDLC, friends :).

I also like, um, your mother.

so dumb

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