I love this video game soooo much. It isn't attached to my queerness in any way, but these girls really are the types of girls I see being very accepting. Like, all struggling in their own homelives, dispositions, or relationships to one another and most likely really only feeling safe around one another. I want what they have in terms of a safe space. Of course, in-game and outside of Plus their story is anything BUT this comforting branding I am presenting them with. Sue me. I love the DDLC girls.
Anyway, Doki Doki imprints on me in a way of extended comfort and relatability. I find Monika to be someone that I can empathize with extensively, and each of the girls who is victimized by her in the Second Act all are disproportiontely hurt by her. By Monika's actions, which can't be excused, but explained. There's a level of sadism Monika carries herself with, which stems from her disconnect to the game world she is trapped in. It feels reminiscent to Undertale and the way a Genocide Route banks on the player's own conciousness of game characters not being real. Being the only character who is concious of how malleable her emotions and setting are, it creates dissonance between her and the other members. I think, personally, a lot of peope can relate to this after an epiphany or long introspection. It isn't ego, but something that people don't rush to admit: feeling as if they're the only real person, or that others are all "fake" in one way or another.
So that is part of why I am so attached to this game. In this section, I hope to elaborate further on pride as well! Having this page have two uses makes sense in my brain, since DDLC itself feels so queer in concept from how it condescends and parodies the typical female harem, male love interest format. Monika herself notoriously does claim to not care about the player's true sex or gender, making her a bisexual/pansexual queen.
To go back, you click right HERE ... I will find a better place for it eventually... rasghhhhhgghghghhgh this is how i feel abt making this site.